仁者暗器 发表于 2013-1-14 22:21:14


本帖最后由 仁者暗器 于 2013-1-14 22:23 编辑

How To Throw KnivesBy Ed Sackett 如何投掷飞刀作者: Ed Sackett 4 November, 1996 THROWING Throwing imparts two motions to a knife: forward motion and spin. Forward motion is required to get the knife from your hand to the target. Spin must be timed so that the knife is travelling point foremost when it strikes the target.                            投 掷投掷动作使飞刀产生两种运动:前进和旋转。前进动作是飞刀到达靶子所必须的。而旋转动作要加以控制,以确保飞刀击中靶子时刀尖在前。If you could throw without spin, knife throwing would be a much simpler skill, wouldn't it? No, it wouldn't, because the spinning motion gives the knife gyroscopic stability, just the way rifling stablizes a bullet. 如果你能以不旋转的方式投掷,那么飞刀就成了一种简单的技术了,真是这样么?不,因为旋转使得飞刀的飞行更具稳定性,这就像来复线对于子弹的作用一样。Controlling the spin is the hardest part of knife throwing, at least for mere mortals like me. The key to controlling the spin of a thrown knife is consistency. Let me say that again: CONSISTENCY. Many budding amateurs have given up in despair because they failed to appreciate the need for consistency. 控制飞刀的旋转是飞刀技术中最难的部分,至少对于我这样的凡人是如此。控制旋转的关键是一致性,我再强调一次,是一致性。许多初学者都因没有意识到一致性的作用而失败了。Achieving consistency begins with practicing each throw using the same grip, and throwing each time from the same distance from the target. The grips are outlined below. The correct distance for a given throw is determined by a little trial and error, helped out with a bit of arithmetic. 要达到一致性,就要从刚开始时每一次投掷都用相同的握法,并在相同的距离上投掷。握刀的方法在下面有简略的介绍。正确的距离感则来自于反复地试验,并辅以一点计算。GRIPPING THE KNIFE A knife is thrown either by the blade or by the handle. A blade grip is probably a little easier for a beginner, and it's how most people visualize knife throwing.                            握 刀握刃投掷和握柄投掷都可行。握刃投掷对于初学者来说可能会简单一些,许多人投掷飞刀时都采用此法。The vertical blade grip comes naturally and easily. Grasp the knife blade so that all four fingers come in contact with the steel when closed. The knife should be gripped far enough up that it can be controlled with an essentially relaxed hand. To test this, twitch the knife a few times to make sure that the hilt does not wobble uncontrollably. Many knife throwers grip with the point of the blade reaching as far as the first crease of the wrist. The thumb falls into a natural position with the ball resting on the flat of the blade, or alternatively (and especially with very wide blades), resting along the edge. During the throwing motion and through the release, the knife is held with the blade vertical, that is, with the edge toward the ground. 竖直握刃法比较自然和容易,只需合拢四指握住刀刃即可。握持刀刃的部位要足够高,以确保手部放松也能控制飞刀。可以试着抽拉飞刀几次,看看刀身是否会不受控制地摇晃。有些投掷者采用这种握法时握得很高,以至于刀尖已经达到了手腕的第一个褶皱处。拇指自然弯曲,指肚贴住刀刃的平面,或者轻按在刀刃上(尤其适用于刀刃很宽的飞刀)。在投掷动作或释放过程中刀刃是竖直的,即刀尖指向地面。(^_^见下图)file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-7586.pngThe flat blade grip is also used by some knife throwers, but chiefly for throwing short distances. This grip resembles the vertical blade grip, except that the blade is held parallel to the ground. This grip will tend to impart a more rapid spin to the knife. Because the knife strikes the target with the flat of the blade horizontal, there is less tendency to penetrate, especially if the angle of impact is not precisely perpendicular to the target. Also, because most targets are made of wood with the grain running vertically, a knife thrown with a flat grip will encounter more resistance from the target and will tend to penetrate less. Another, more minor disadvantage is that a knife flying flat-side-to through the air meets more air resistance, and will lose velocity over long distances. 有些投掷者也采用平握法,但主要用来进行短距离投掷。这种握法与竖直握刃法相似,只是刀刃与地面是平行的。这种握法会使飞刀的旋转速度更快。飞刀击中靶子时刀刃是水平的,因此这种握法的穿刺力度较小,尤其当飞刀并非刚好垂直击中靶子时更是如此。并且这种握法投掷飞刀会受到靶子更大的阻力,从而插入得也更浅。还有一个小缺点是由于刀身的平面在空气中翻转会遇到更大的阻力,如果飞行距离较长的话会降低飞刀的速度。(^_^见下图)file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-22509.pngA third type of blade grip, a variation of the flat grip, is used for throwing a knife with a sharp edge. In this grip, the flat of the blade rests against the ball of the palm. The tips of the fingers rest against the flat of the blade, as does the thumb on the opposite side. Thus the sharp edge never touches the hand. This grip is most comfortable as a flat grip, although a vertical blade grip can also be used. Since throwing knives should never be sharpened, this grip will seldom be called for. 第三种握刃法是平握法的一种变化,是用来投掷刀刃锋利的飞刀的。手掌突起处抵住刀刃,四指指尖与拇指在刀刃平面的两侧将刀刃抵住,从而锋利的刀刃决不会与手掌接触。这种握法是一种较舒适的握刃法,尽管也可以采用竖直握刃法,由于飞刀很少开刃,因此这种握刃法也用得不多。The handle grip closely resembles the ordinary grip used when cutting. Grasp the knife with the full length of the handle in the palm, the fingers closing naturally. The thumb falls into position as in the vertical blade grip. Comfortable control without exerting much grip is the goal. During the throwing motion and through the release, the blade is held vertically. 握柄法与通常用刀切割时的握刀方法非常类似。将刀柄整个握在手掌中,手指自然并拢,拇指的位置与竖直握刃法一样。要舒适地进行控制而避免握刀力度过大。在投掷和释放过程中刀刃是保持竖直的。Professional knife throwers always use vertical grips, whether by the blade or handle. Amateurs, and especially beginners, should remember this when experimenting with different methods of throwing. 专业的投掷者通常用竖直投掷法,不管是握柄投掷还是握刃投掷。而初学者在尝试各种方法时应记住下述事实。Gripping the knife with all four fingers will impart a fairly slow spin. This is desirable for easier control. Within certain limits, a shallower grip will impart more spin. This is useful when throwing from uncertain distances. With practice, it's possible to use judgement to control the spin, through a combination of grip, stance, and arm motion, to stick knives at a variety of distances from the target. But it's frustrating to a beginner to try this.用四指握刀(^_^即飞刀握住的部分较多)会在相当大的程度上降低飞刀的旋转,这不利于控制。在一定程度上将飞刀握得较浅会加速飞刀的旋转当在没有把握的距离投掷时这种方法较有用,经过练习后,可以通过握法、姿势、和手臂动作的综合来控制飞刀的转速,从而在各种距离都能命中靶子。但初学者在尝试中可能会感到很苦闷。THE THROWING STANCE AND MOTION Assume a comfortable standing position facing the target, with the knees slightly bent and one foot advanced well ahead of the other. A right-hander should advance the left foot, a left-hander the right foot, but this is not a hard and fast rule. Grip the knife as described above. Using a natural overhand throwing motion with plenty of follow-through, pitch the knife swiftly at the target, aiming at a point just at eye-level. Release the knife as your arm reaches the horizontal, allowing the knife to slip smoothly out of your fingers. There must be no wrist movement at the moment of release. Try always to release the knife as straight at the target as possible, avoiding any yaw, which can make an otherwise well-thrown knife miss the aiming mark by three or four inches. The knife should be thrown hard enough to follow a flat trajectory to the target, but a violent throwing motion is undesirable.                      投掷姿势和动作以舒适的站姿面朝靶子站立,膝盖微曲,两脚分开,一前一后,右手投掷的人左脚在前而左撇子则右脚在前,不过这不是什么大不了的规矩。用如前所述的方法握刀,采用自然的过肩投掷动作,并且要有适当的后续动作(^_^应该是指释放飞刀后手臂继续运动的动作)。瞄准靶子上与眼部平齐的位置,将飞刀迅速投向靶子。当手臂即将到达水平位置时(^_^个人认为有些晚了),手指平滑地释放飞刀,在释放时刻手腕绝不要有动作,尽量保持飞刀直指靶子释放不要偏离,否则用其它投掷性能很好的飞刀时将会偏离瞄准点3到4英寸。投掷力度要足够大以确保平射的飞行轨迹。但用力过猛是不可取的。Concentrate on using a true overhand motion, with as little sidearm as possible. This will take some conscious effort, especially when throwing a very heavy knife. 要保持正确的过肩投的姿势,尽量避免侧身,这会分散注意力,尤其是投掷的飞刀非常重的时候。At first, avoid moving your feet during the windup. Placing your leading foot exactly on the mark for a given distance is essential for good practice, and you should develop the habit of taking up your position precisely. It's worth noting that professional knife throwers use this method of positioning. You may even find yourself taking a step backward as you wind up. Later, when you've had some practice at finding your distance, you can vary your throwing by taking a step forward during the windup. To get the hang of this, just start your windup a step back from your throwing mark, and make sure your leading foot comes down accurately on the mark as you throw. Stepping forward during the windup will help when throwing tomahawks and extra heavy knives. 首先,在投掷动作中不要移动脚步,将前脚的脚尖准确地至于投掷距离标志上,这对于好的练习过程来说非常重要。而你要试着靠习惯来精确定位投掷位置,用距离标志定位的方法对于专业投掷者来说毫无意义。Full follow-through is important, to avoid the common error of flipping, that is, of halting the throwing motion at the instant of release. This imparts too much spin to the knife for easy control. (This kind of throwing motion can be used at short distances when a quick spin is needed, but is not very useful for throws longer than a half-turn.) 完整的后续动作非常重要,可以避免令人讨厌的动作变形。这种变形通常是释放瞬间的犹豫引起的。这会加速飞刀旋转,使得飞刀难于控制。当距离较近,需要较快的转速时,这种情形是有用的,但当投掷距离比半周投掷的合适距离远时,就不那么管用了。THE HALF-TURN THROW In the half-turn throw, the knife is gripped by the blade and makes one half of a turn on its way to the target. Begin by standing approximately eight feet from the target, or a little less if you're of short stature. Throw using a blade grip. Watch closely how the knife lands. If the knife strikes point first and sticks, it was thrown from the correct distance. If the knife strikes with the point uppermost, this means that it did not spin far enough in flight. To correct this, move back a foot or eighteen inches and try again. If the knife strikes with the handle uppermost, this means that it spun too far in flight. To correct this, move forward a foot or eighteen inches and try again. When you find the distance from the target at which your knives stick consistently when thrown one-half turn in a way that's comfortable for you, mark the spot: drive a stake in the ground, build a cairn, hire someone to stand there with a flag, but mark that spot, and always practice half-turn throws from there.                          半周旋转投掷在半周旋转投掷时,握持刀刃,并使飞刀到达靶子之前做半周的旋转。在开始阶段应站在离靶子大约8英尺的距离,如果你的身高较矮,则应站得更进一些。(^_^大家不妨考虑一下,这是为什么?)用握刃法进行投掷,并走近观看飞刀中靶后的姿态,如果刀尖朝前钉在靶子上则投掷距离正确,如果刀尖朝上则说明旋转速度不够,作为调整可以退后一英尺或18英寸,并再次尝试。当发现在某一距离上你能经常命中靶子,并且使用半周旋转投掷法时感觉舒适,则在此距离上作出标志:钉一个木桩、放一块石头、插上旗子等,并且始终在此距离进行半周投掷。Take the trouble to measure your half-turn distance with some care, because it's used to calculate your basic half turn, a handy unit for measuring all knife throwing distances. 在测量自己的半周投掷距离时要用心,因为这将成为衡量所有投掷距离的一个方便的单位。Here's how to calculate your basic half turn. Let's say that you stand with your leading toe nine feet from the target when throwing a half turn. Now subtract the length of your arm at full stretch during the throwing motion, that is, at the point where the knife is released. This factor may be a little hard to estimate, but will probably be about three feet. Three subtracted from nine equals six, and so six feet is your basic half turn. 下面是测量半周投掷距离的方法:假定你在前脚脚尖距离靶子9英尺远的距离上成功地进行半周投掷,那么减去手臂在投掷动作中完全伸展时的长度,在此点上飞刀被释放。要估计这一距离可能有些困难,但大概是3英尺左右。9英尺减去3英尺等于6英尺,从而6英尺就是你半周旋转投掷的距离。THE FULL-TURN THROW In this throw, the knife is gripped by the handle and spins through one full turn on its way to the target. To find your distance for a full-turn throw, multiply your basic half turn by two and add the length of your arm:                         整周旋转投掷这种投掷法,是持柄投掷,飞刀在到达靶子之前要旋转一整周。整周投掷的命中距离就是半周距离乘2并加上你的臂长。6 feet x 2 = 12 feet + 3 feet = 15 feet 6英尺×2=12英尺+3英尺=15英尺Thus the correct distance to stand from the target for a full-turn throw is fifteen feet. Many people get puzzled over this little piece of arithmetic. "Why don't I double my half-turn distance and stand eighteen feet from the target?" they ask. Answer: because you have to allow for the length of your arm at full stretch. 从而正确的整周投掷距离为15英尺。有些人可能对这一算法感到迷惑,他们问:“为什么我们不能直接将半周投掷距离乘2从而得出18英尺的距离呢?”因为你必须考虑到手臂的长度。(^_^如果直接乘2则相当于多加了一条手臂的长度。)I was puzzled by this myself for many years, and owe my enlightenment to Harry McEvoy of Grand Rapids, Michigan, the manufacturer of Tru-Bal throwing knives, one of the really good lines of throwing knife on the market. 我曾被这一问题迷惑了很多年(^_^晕!)直到从密歇根激速公司的Harry McEvoy那里得到指点。他们公司生产的Tru-Bal飞刀是真正的好刀。Failure to take arm-length into account has led some writers on knife throwing into a curious error: the belief that a knife begins to spin faster after it's travelled a certain distance. If this were so, we'd have perpetual motion. Of course, the rate of spin of a thrown knife doesn't decrease as fast as its forward speed, so in a very long toss a knife would tend to spin more times over a given distance; but this factor can be dismissed at ordinary ranges. 有些飞刀教材的作者因为没有考虑到手臂的长度问题而犯了一个奇怪的错误:认为飞刀在飞行了特定的距离后会旋转得更快。如果是这样,我们就能造永动机了。当然,在飞行过程中,飞刀旋转的速度并不象向前飞行的速度衰减得那样快,因此当投掷距离很长时,飞刀可能会比理论上旋转更多周。(^_^大家想想为什么?)但是这一现象在常规投掷距离内是可以被忽视的。THE TURN-ANA-A-HALF THROW This throw is made with a blade grip, as in the half-turn throw. The knife spins through one and one-half turns before striking the target. The correct distance is three times your basic half turn plus the length of your arm:                   二分之三周旋转投掷这种投掷法采用持刃投掷,这与半周旋转投掷一样。飞刀在击中靶子之前旋转一周半。正确的投掷距离是半周旋转距离乘3再加上手臂的长度。6 feet x 3 = 18 feet + 3 feet = 21 feet 6英尺×3=18英尺+3英尺=21英尺This is quite a long distance to throw a knife, and should keep you busy learning for some time. But don't be afraid to try the 这是颇远的投掷距离了,可能要花一番功夫来学习,但不要畏惧尝试。TWO-TURN THROW This is thrown using a handle grip, as in the full-turn throw. The knife spins through two full turns before striking the target. The correct distance is four times your basic half turn plus the length of your arm:                          两周旋转投掷这种投掷法用持柄握法,与整周投掷法一样。飞刀命中靶子之前旋转两周。正确的投掷距离是半周距离乘4再加上手臂的长度。6 feet x 4 = 24 feet + 3 feet = 27 feet 6英尺×4=24英尺+3英尺=27英尺This will require a powerful, precise throw. 这种投掷法需要力量和准确性。Remember that the more times a knife spins on its way to the target, the more times any error will be multiplied. Remember also that a successful throw requires a combination of correct forward speed and correct spin. Within broad limits, the speed with which a knife is thrown does not affect the amount of spin. Thus a knife that travels too fast will not have time to complete the correct number of turns to strike the target point-first. Many a time have I pitched a sticker violently (usually in frustration over bad practice) and seen it strike point uppermost, because it reached the target too soon to spin far enough. At other times, I've thrown too gently and seen the knife spin too much and strike handle-first. Consistency, I said. 记住飞刀在飞行中旋转的周数越多,各种误差被放大的程度也越大。同样记住,一次成功的投掷是向前的速度与旋转速度合理结合的产物。通常投掷飞刀的速度不会影响飞刀的旋转速度。因而如果飞刀飞行速度过快,将没有时间来完成正确的旋转周数,从而没法保证刀尖命中靶子。我曾多次猛投一个器具(通常是在练习中受挫时)发现刀尖朝上,这是因为飞行速度过快从而没能完成完整的旋转过程。另一些时候,我轻轻地投掷飞刀 并发现飞刀旋转的很慢而且是刀柄击中靶子。我要强调的是:注意动作的一致性。Remember also that the above formulas for finding the correct throwing distances are approximate. Many factors can combine to vary the theoretical throwing distances: slight changes in stance, the extra effort required to throw farther, the different spin given to a knife by handle vs. blade grip, etc. Use the formulas to get approximately the right distances. Then vary the distances a little by trial and error until you can throw comfortably, and mark your own personal throwing spots. 还要记住的是上述推算正确投掷距离的公式是近似的。许多因素都可能综合起来影响理论上的投掷距离:姿势的细微变化、为投得更远而用力过度、飞刀持柄投掷和持刃投掷转速的不一致等。首先通过公式确定一个大约的距离,然后通过尝试和分析误差来小幅度地修正距离,直到你能舒适地投掷为止,从而标出你自己的投掷距离标志。The blade grip seems to be a little more accurate than the handle grip, and it's usually favored by performers. Professional knife throwers use the half-turn throw (the shortest one) for particularly difficult and dangerous feats. They tend to use the turn-and-a-half throw for many of their other stunts. There's something really satisfying about a turn-and-a-half throw: the distance is great enough to offer some challenge, but not so great as to make throwing impossibly difficult. After you've learned to throw reasonably well in a variety of ways, you may settle down to steady practice at a turn-and-a-half. 持刃投掷似乎比持柄投掷准确一点,因而飞刀表演者通常使用这种投掷法。专业飞刀投手用半周投掷(投掷距离最短)来完成艰难而危险的表演内容,而用二分之三周投掷来完成其它表演。这种投掷距离确实有些令人满意:距离够远从而具有挑战性,但是又不会远得离谱。当你学会了用各种方法适当地投掷以后,应静下心来建立二分之三周距离的投掷准确性。STICKING SOLIDLY When a knife doesn't stick in the target and stay there, the throw is a failure. In competitions, you get only a few throws, or even one throw, and the knife that fails to stick might as well have missed the target altogether.                      如何让飞刀插得更牢如果飞刀没有插中靶子并留在上面,投掷就失败了。在竞赛中你只有几次投掷的机会,甚至只有一次机会,飞刀没有钉中靶子与没有中靶是一样的。Here's a little tip: Try to make your blade strike the target in a slightly handle-down attitude. The spin will tend to turn the knife deeper into the wood, embedding it solidly so that it stays put. A few degrees of handle-down is enough for most knives.给你个小建议:试着让你的飞刀以刀柄稍微朝下的姿态中靶,这样旋转会让飞刀插入靶子更深、更牢,从而更坚固地留在靶子上。对于大多数飞刀来说刀柄向下倾斜几度就足够了。

大武生fes 发表于 2013-1-15 11:28:50


卢荣军 发表于 2013-1-15 20:50:50


黄瓜皮 发表于 2018-1-2 17:13:10

Throwing imparts two motions to a knife
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